Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beiträge
Pocono update
Kelvin has anounced at SRMZ the Pocono Oval race we wil drive on march the 28.
[URL=http://srmz.net/index.php?showtopic=3805&view=getnewpost&hl=&fromsearch=1]Here[/URL] you can find the track (1e post) and a update for this track (2e post).
26.02.2010, 20:40
Kelvin Mace
Dabei seit: Juli 2007
Herkunft: Bayern
825 Beiträge
Thanks Pedro
27.02.2010, 16:56
Carsten Theile
Dabei seit: Februar 2006
Herkunft: Dresden
3884 Beiträge
Nice textures. Thanks for pointing us over there
EDIT: There's a draw-ahead fix [URL]http://www.horbra.de/winmip/PopupFix.htm[/URL]
Can't say whether it's of use. And it may overwrite some files of Kevin's update.
EDIT2: Or Kevin's update has it already included, hm.