EOLC Forum - Unofficial result Silverstone Challenge - Grid A
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Christian Kolnhofer

Dabei seit: März 2001
Herkunft: Bavaria/Germany
5663 Beiträge
  Unofficial result Silverstone Challenge - Grid A 

Track: Silver Sun Nov 25 21:02:05 2007


Pos No Driver Team Nat Time Diff Laps
1 14 Carsi Grelck Lotus GER 1m25.345s 18
2 20 Marco Saupe Eagle GER 1m25.461s 00.116s 19
3 12 Torfinn Dahl Eagle DEN 1m25.616s 00.271s 21
4 18 Patrick Talu Eagle GER 1m25.665s 00.320s 18
5 3 Carsten Theile Ferrari GER 1m25.699s 00.354s 18
6 6 Jens Kraft Eagle GER 1m25.838s 00.493s 8
7 17 Harald Podzielny Lotus GER 1m26.013s 00.668s 15
8 13 Gerd Höfferer Ferrari AUT 1m26.110s 00.765s 21
9 7 Szabolcs Balog Ferrari GER 1m26.124s 00.779s 2
10 15 Stephan Roesgen Lotus GER 1m26.133s 00.788s 16
11 5 Steffen Kriesch Lotus GER 1m26.392s 01.047s 4
12 9 Claudio Callipo Lotus GER 1m26.411s 01.066s 19
13 16 Christian Kolnhofer Eagle GER 1m26.519s 01.174s 13
14 2 Frank Peters Ferrari GER 1m26.743s 01.398s 17
15 1 Iestyn Davies Eagle GBR 1m26.825s 01.480s 10
16 8 Runar Bjornstad Brabham DEN 1m26.884s 01.539s 17
17 11 Yannick Loonus Lotus GER 1m26.957s 01.612s 15
18 10 Sebastian Hacas Brabham MON 1m26.962s 01.617s 11
19 4 EOLC1 Brabham GER No time No time 0
20 19 Ronald v. Huystee Lotus HOL No time No time 0

RACE RESULTS (After 40 laps)

Pos No Driver Team Nat Laps Race Time Diff
1 12 Torfinn Dahl Eagle DEN 40 58m00.431s
2 3 Carsten Theile Ferrari GER 40 58m01.502s 01.071s
3 20 Marco Saupe Eagle GER 40 58m01.839s 01.408s
4 18 Patrick Talu Eagle GER 40 58m07.155s 06.724s
5 5 Steffen Kriesch Lotus GER 40 58m12.693s 12.262s
6 13 Gerd Höfferer Ferrari AUT 40 58m28.073s 27.642s
7 7 Szabolcs Balog Ferrari GER 40 58m41.294s 40.863s
8 15 Stephan Roesgen Lotus GER 40 58m42.177s 41.746s
9 16 Christian Kolnhofer Eagle GER 40 58m48.354s 47.923s
10 17 Harald Podzielny Lotus GER 40 58m53.282s 52.851s
11 19 Ronald v. Huystee Lotus HOL 40 59m17.286s 1m16.855s
12 10 Sebastian Hacas Brabham MON 40 59m18.690s 1m18.259s
13 11 Yannick Loonus Lotus GER 40 59m21.021s 1m20.590s
14 1 Iestyn Davies Eagle GBR 40 59m23.007s 1m22.576s
15 2 Frank Peters Ferrari GER 40 59m25.024s 1m24.593s
16 8 Runar Bjornstad Brabham DEN 39 58m52.749s 1 lap(s)
17 9 Claudio Callipo Lotus GER 20 30m21.430s 20 lap(s)
18 6 Jens Kraft Eagle GER 9 13m33.928s 31 lap(s)
19 14 Carsi Grelck Lotus GER 1 1m31.210s 39 lap(s)
20 4 EOLC1 Brabham GER 0 DidNotStart 40 lap(s)

Race results are unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)


Pos Driver Time Lap
1 Steffen Kriesch 1m25.600s 28
2 Marco Saupe 1m25.838s 40
3 Carsten Theile 1m25.976s 37
4 Patrick Talu 1m26.044s 38
5 Stephan Roesgen 1m26.226s 35
6 Torfinn Dahl 1m26.355s 35
7 Gerd Höfferer 1m26.500s 40
8 Szabolcs Balog 1m26.541s 28
9 Jens Kraft 1m26.682s 4
10 Christian Kolnhofer 1m26.704s 38
11 Harald Podzielny 1m26.828s 27
12 Ronald v. Huystee 1m26.941s 34
13 Yannick Loonus 1m27.094s 37
14 Frank Peters 1m27.312s 38
15 Claudio Callipo 1m27.341s 13
16 Iestyn Davies 1m27.435s 37
17 Sebastian Hacas 1m27.507s 36
18 Runar Bjornstad 1m27.690s 15
19 Carsi Grelck 1m32.120s 1
20 EOLC1 No time


Driver Laps
Carsi Grelck 1
Torfinn Dahl 2-40

Number of lead changes: 1
Number of leaders: 2


Driver Laps led
Torfinn Dahl 39
Carsi Grelck 1


Driver Start Finish Change
Ronald v. Huystee 20 11 9
Steffen Kriesch 11 5 6
Sebastian Hacas 18 12 6
Yannick Loonus 17 13 4
Christian Kolnhofer 13 9 4
Carsten Theile 5 2 3
Torfinn Dahl 3 1 2
Gerd Höfferer 8 6 2
Stephan Roesgen 10 8 2
Szabolcs Balog 9 7 2
Iestyn Davies 15 14 1
Runar Bjornstad 16 16 0
Patrick Talu 4 4 0
Marco Saupe 2 3 -1
Frank Peters 14 15 -1
EOLC1 19 20 -1
Harald Podzielny 7 10 -3
Claudio Callipo 12 17 -5
Jens Kraft 6 18 -12
Carsi Grelck 1 19 -18


Driver Laps/Total Percent
Torfinn Dahl (36/40) 90.00
Stephan Roesgen (35/40) 87.50
Sebastian Hacas (31/40) 77.50
Yannick Loonus (30/40) 75.00
Harald Podzielny (29/40) 72.50
Iestyn Davies (25/40) 62.50
Ronald v. Huystee (25/40) 62.50
Frank Peters (21/40) 52.50
Carsten Theile (21/40) 52.50
Marco Saupe (21/40) 52.50
Steffen Kriesch (20/40) 50.00
Gerd Höfferer (19/40) 47.50
Christian Kolnhofer (19/40) 47.50
Runar Bjornstad (18/39) 46.15
Szabolcs Balog (17/40) 42.50
Patrick Talu (15/40) 37.50
Claudio Callipo (14/20) 70.00
Jens Kraft (5/9) 55.56
Carsi Grelck (0/1) 0.00

(first lap excluded)

Driver Avg Deviation Std Deviation Avg Laptime Laps
Torfinn Dahl 0.284 0.377 1m26.885s 40
Marco Saupe 0.406 0.523 1m26.876s 40
Gerd Höfferer 0.514 0.706 1m27.474s 40
Carsten Theile 0.565 0.712 1m26.860s 40
Patrick Talu 0.573 0.752 1m26.982s 40
Iestyn Davies 0.639 1.104 1m28.517s 40
Sebastian Hacas 0.788 1.014 1m28.609s 40
Harald Podzielny 0.789 1.021 1m28.072s 40
Steffen Kriesch 0.831 1.161 1m27.052s 40
Ronald v. Huystee 0.895 1.992 1m28.415s 40
Szabolcs Balog 0.947 1.742 1m27.832s 40
Christian Kolnhofer 0.971 1.891 1m27.888s 40
Stephan Roesgen 1.051 1.518 1m27.782s 40
Yannick Loonus 1.159 1.762 1m28.429s 40
Frank Peters 1.623 2.898 1m28.876s 40
Runar Bjornstad 2.436 3.558 1m30.350s 39
Claudio Callipo 2.748 4.376 1m30.746s 20
Jens Kraft 4.714 7.135 1m29.922s 9

All times are unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser


25.11.2007, 21:04  

Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beiträge

Congratulations Torfinn, Carsten and Marco.

Well done Carsten and Ronald (TEST)

25.11.2007, 21:18  
Carsten Theile

Dabei seit: Februar 2006
Herkunft: Dresden
3884 Beiträge

Thank you, Pedro. It was a very tough race.
Sorry to hear you had that disco

Congratulations, Torfinn


25.11.2007, 21:20  
Frank Peters

Dabei seit: Juli 2004
2006 Beiträge

Kein so angenehmes Rennen. Quali, Startplatz und Start waren absolut in Ordnung. Die ersten drei Runden ging auch alles gut. Die Autos waren noch dicht beisammen. Dann aber mal wieder der übliche Dreher mehrerer Fahrer vor mir. Kein Platz auszuweichen, Kontakt mit Dreher und Ritt über die Wiese. Letzter.
So macht es keinen Spaß. Leider kommt dies in Grid A für meinen Geschmack viel zu oft vor.
Die Herren sind zwar fähig Topzeiten am laufenden Band zu produzieren, aber an der Rennintelligenz scheint es zu mangeln.
Wenn die Autos noch sehr dicht hintereinander aufgereit sind, kann ein missglücktes Überholmanöver (oder zu dichtes Auffahren) nun einmal mehr Schaden anrichten. Sollte man meiner Meinung mitberücksichtigen.

Bei der Leistungsdichte war natürlich aus der letzten Position nicht mehr viel zu holen. Eigene Verbremser verbesserten die Lage nicht unbedingt.

Grats an Torfinn, Carsten und Marco!


26.11.2007, 11:39  

Dabei seit: Januar 2006
Herkunft: Essen/NRW
1400 Beiträge

Mission gelungen!

Die Quali hat Spaß gemacht.Kein Verkehr auf der Strecke,so muss es sein.
Nach einer guten Sicherheitsrunde war ich hochmotiviert.Schnell schaffte ich zwei fast gleich schnelle Runden in den Asphalt zu brennen.Vorerst P4 und am Ende der Quali P7 Mein Teamkollege staunte nicht schlecht und ich bekam gleich ein Lob von ihm.Einige klangvolle Namen standen beim Start hinter mir

Ich war so auf den Flaggenmann fixiert das die Drehzahl zu niedrig war ich ich sehr schlecht weg kam.Gerd und Szabolcs huschten vorbei.Kurz darauf aufs Gras u. Claudio+Steffen sind auch durch
In Runde 8 ein Unfall.Auf P8 war ich und hatte Stephan im Nacken.In Runde 4 wollte er wohl im letzten Turn überholen-ich ging etwas nach außen und kam auf die Wiese.Stephan+Szabolcs waren vorbei.In Runde 6 schnappte ich mir Stephan wieder,aber in der gleichen Runde ein Fahrfehler meinerseits.Stephan,Runar+Chris gleich durch

Kurz später überholte ich Runar wieder.Dann kam "ich hab ein Problem"Jens angeflogen An mir vorbei und kurz später pflückte er Blümchen.Claudio daneben gab ihm einen großen Kaktus

Runar kam nochmal dicht ran.Auf P10 liegend konnte ich mich ab ca. Runde 16 absetzen.In Runde 30 an Chris vorbei,in Runde 33 einen Fehler und ich lag wieder hinter ihm.

Ein 2tes mal schaute ich auf Pribluda-wieviel Runden noch?Ich wollte dann mal etwas schneller werden. ,schon in der vorletzten Runde.

Also den 10ten Platz im und das auf dem Traditionskurs Silverstone (Fürs Rennen war das Setup nicht ganz so gut aber immerhin nur ca. 11 Sekunden hinter meinen Teammate)

Grats ans Podium


26.11.2007, 16:41  
Szabolcs Balog

Dabei seit: Januar 2007
16 Beiträge

Hehey Brothers! Thanks for the race! It was a great promotion of my oral final exam in English at Monday! I passed the final exam with a 88% written and 100% oral exam so in overall I have 91% final exam and a five so I am happy!

About the race: Hehe! I had only 2 laps for Qualy because I almost forget to join. I had a good starting pos. and I had a good start. I had great battles and the 7th pos. is good with the fact that I didn't have time for practise for it. Thanks again Brothers! See You at MEXICO!


01.12.2007, 10:39  
Runar Bjornstad

Dabei seit: Oktober 2007
Herkunft: Norwegen
34 Beiträge

Not a good race from me..

Qual went ok though, only 1/10 off PB and in front of 2 cars.

The start of the race was also ok but went wide on the grass out of Chapel on lap 2 and coming back got the car hooked on the edge and it spun in front of Christian K who couldn't avoid it, sorry for that. I see you have made a protest about it, and although I would have been mad too had a car taken me out like that, I still feel I was within the rules and tried to re-enter the track safely further down, but just got caught out on the edge. I will anyway accept whatever ruling will be.

The main problem was that I had chosen the wrong car and was just passed and left by everyobdy. Grid A EOLC is not for mid ranker in Brabham, I can see the competition is too hard for that. I even cheated myself out of a few fights by having incidents just as people were about to catch me.. There was a small scrap with Ronald around lap 15 or so, but that ended in tears when I tried to come back at him after his pass but got too close into t-last and had to put it in the wall so as not to crash: 1 wheel lost and SR = full tank + cold tyres..

Grats to compatriot Torfinn for holding a classic thight finish and thanks for the race all. Next time I will try a faster car to get closer. (I really like that drivers can change car freely to adjust to the field btw, nice rule)

01.12.2007, 13:42  
Torfinn Dahl

Dabei seit: Januar 2006
Herkunft: Norway
87 Beiträge

Bit late in posting my report (and I'm not alone either).

I had done alot of practice here with the Honda but a few laps in the Eagle and a wish to fight a bit further up the field led me to chose that car instead. It also worked out quite well for me in the first race of the season

I didn't get in a perfect lap in qual, but a late improvement crucially pushed me up to third place on the grid. I got a pretty good start and overtook Marco, in T1 i held the outside line in case of late braking attempts but didn't lose too much on this.

Followed polesitter Carsi through the first lap, the second one I made a small mistake and lost a bit of ground, but coming up on the last turn he dissappeared in thin air. I was handed the lead, but the win I still had to fight for.

After the first few laps I had gotten a gap of 3-4 seconds down to Marco, who was busy fending off Talu and Theile. This probably worked to my advantage, with no direct pressure I could comfortably run steady laps.

Besides a few small moments nothing much happened for the next 35 laps, I kept an eye on the pit board and tried to keep my concentration. While that might sound boring it certainly wasn't! With drivers like that so close behind, you know that any mistake can send you down to 4th place...

With a few laps to go Carsten finally got past Marco and I knew he would come for me. I tried to go fast without pushing so hard I might make a mistake, and calculated my gap would just se me finish in front. And so it was

01.12.2007, 18:01  

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