EOLC Forum - Bye all and thx
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silvani danilo

Dabei seit: November 2006
Herkunft: Milano , Italia
252 Beiträge
  Bye all and thx 

hi all my friends

its my suffered decision : i retired myself from eolc community.

thx at all and especially at Kj Hilger , Flo , Theile and stefan Pfeifer.

thx again



you are right Ulf

you maybe can know the irritation and the frustration for an unfair, and not only one whit my opinion, reprimand.

now my mind is calm..and i understand
the value of rules : your accident at Monza light my way

i choose eolc some month ago because it is the best , well organizated and accurated but , i discovered , strongly respectful of its rules.

But is my fault if dont know well that "damned" rules...

i will see you next race !!
and w'll see naturally my friends Kj ,Rico ,walter ,christian,adnan and ...grrrrr...Patrick


18.09.2007, 13:04  
Karl-Jürgen Hilger

Dabei seit: Juli 2006
Herkunft: Hamburg
1835 Beiträge

Hi Danilo!

I waited all time to see you win a race, because you (and your Ferrari) are a fast good team.

I enjoyed your Victory at Wiesbaden very much!
Any doubt?
Look at the replay! You cross the finish-line - then I pull up to your side and raise my arm for congratulations and greetings. Same happens on the next straight, when you pass me by. I thought: "Great - it's Danilo - at last he DID it - after suffering some critics!"

And now, it's time to stand tall, one more time: there is a clear and important rule, why didn't you ask about it BEFORE race, if it was not fully ok for you?

Maybe, (I don't know), the official race result will be very painful for you.
If so, swallow it down - you and your ferrari are improving all the time, and the good results in future will show that it was all worth while!


18.09.2007, 13:59  
Patrick Kessler

Dabei seit: Oktober 2005
Herkunft: Bonn
2068 Beiträge

I fully agree to Karl-Jürgen!

18.09.2007, 14:01  

Dabei seit: April 2004
Herkunft: Deutschland M/V
1877 Beiträge

is it such a lot esayer to say goodby, than to say sorry, i`d make a mistake?

18.09.2007, 16:59  
Walter Zweiffel

Dabei seit: Februar 2005
Herkunft: Euskirchen
955 Beiträge


I agree 100 % with Rico and KJ.

And it was 100% right from Patrick to write the protest.

And i hope that you are a Gentleman and say.
My fault, next time win I in the right grid.

regards Walter

18.09.2007, 19:01  
Ulf Olsen

Dabei seit: Dezember 2006
Herkunft: Jyllinge, Dänemark
43 Beiträge

Hallo Danilo!
I'm very sorry to see that decision you have made today, and I hope you will take it back. You are no youngster any more, you are a grown man, so please show us, that you don’t give up, just because some rules, that you didn’t understood fully, are against what you have done.

I know, that it’s very difficult for you to understand such rules, written in a foreign language, but o.k. it’s really no big deal. Now you have learned something new, which you were not aware of before - so you have to forget it and get on with your racing in OELC. Don’t forget, a race driver never gives up!

I think, without knowing if I’m right, that the protest against you, are the main reason, that you have decided to say good bye - and I know how painful it can be, when one or more of ones driver-colleges comes with criticism against one self, especially if it is criticism under the belt, or criticism which one self doesn’t think is right. But Patrick Kessler knows the rules, and this issue has, as it was told, been up earlier, and before you and I joined the OELC.
So he is in his good right to make a protest, when he sees something not done quite after the rules – and he should also have been able to do so, without you getting so sad, so sorrow, so angry (choose yourself), that you choose to leave the community.

If a driver gets irritated or mad over another drivers actions, behaviour, or simply because the last is not following the rules exactly (things, which happens in nearly every race), he can, if he still is irritated enough - after he has counted to ten, writhe a protest. I could also have written a protest against you in the race at Nürburg Ring, where you bumped me off at T3 on L1, but although I was very irritated over your action at the moment, I didn’t, because I’m sure you did it by accident and not by mean to push me to the very back of the pack. We all sometimes do things in the races, deliberately or by accident, where we deserve a protest - and when a protest then comes, we have to stand up to it, and nicely follow and respect the decisions from the admins.
But also very important, we should have no hard feelings at all against either the protester or the admins - and the protester should get rid of his irritation against us.

Yes Danilo, as you properly remember, I didn’t leave the community as I got protests against me and was suspended at Monza, and I have no hard feelings against you after being irritated at you in Nürburg.
No I really think and hope, that you will be happy for your first victory, also if it should happen, that the admins decide to take it away again because of broken rules, and I hope you will stand up and keep on the good racing in OELC.

Danilo, see you at the next race !!!!!!

Kind regards


18.09.2007, 21:22  
Adnan Dizdarevic

Dabei seit: März 2007
Herkunft: Michigan
258 Beiträge


After Wisbaden, irregardless what result will produce, what would be greater satisfaction then come and win the next race. Your speed on sunday showed you can do it.

18.09.2007, 23:58  
Christian Müller

Dabei seit: Januar 2003
Herkunft: München
3864 Beiträge

Hi Danilo,

don't give up !!!!

You are not the only one, who did win a race but did a mistake esp. at a Grand Prix.

I remember one winning but using s/r in the first lap.

another one did rest on the curbs of a corner in the last lap (!) and wasn't able to move anymore.

You see, such mistakes happen every year. You are NOT alone.

You are racing better and better, so your next win only will be a question of time. (Im am waiting for my first win for 3 years now)


19.09.2007, 14:14  
silvani danilo

Dabei seit: November 2006
Herkunft: Milano , Italia
252 Beiträge

please read my edit

19.09.2007, 14:29  
Ulf Olsen

Dabei seit: Dezember 2006
Herkunft: Jyllinge, Dänemark
43 Beiträge

Danilo, your are a real man - and I'm very glad to se your last decision!

kind regards

19.09.2007, 16:36  
Marcus Wiersig

Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Freiberg (Sachsen)
1035 Beiträge

Hi Danilo,

you are a real race driver, never giving up.

You made the right decision

PS: Why did you leave the gpfun-server yesterday evening, after we crashed?

19.09.2007, 16:59  
Benjamin Ebers

Dabei seit: Juni 2004
Herkunft: Overath/NRW in der Nähe von Köln
1025 Beiträge

Hi Danilo,

i´m glad to see your decision!


19.09.2007, 18:06  
Walter Zweiffel

Dabei seit: Februar 2005
Herkunft: Euskirchen
955 Beiträge

Danilo !

Great !

regards Walter

19.09.2007, 18:09  
Christian Kolnhofer

Dabei seit: März 2001
Herkunft: Bavaria/Germany
5663 Beiträge

19.09.2007, 18:27  

Dabei seit: Januar 2006
Herkunft: Essen/NRW
1400 Beiträge


CU in Rouen

Gruß Harry

19.09.2007, 18:42  
Adnan Dizdarevic

Dabei seit: März 2007
Herkunft: Michigan
258 Beiträge

20.09.2007, 12:22  

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