EOLC Forum - Result 1000 km Le mans rerun
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Stefan Pfeifer

Dabei seit: September 2000
Herkunft: Göttingen, Germany
3069 Beiträge
  Result 1000 km Le mans rerun 

Track: Bsarthe Sun Jul 29 00:58:37 2007


Pos No Driver Team Nat Time Diff Laps
1 16 Christian Kolnhofer Eagle GER 3m16.328s 2
2 19 Reinhard Kastenberger Eagle AUT 3m18.084s 01.756s 3
3 10 Steffen Kriesch Eagle GER 3m18.771s 02.443s 2
4 14 Gavin Wilson Ferrari GBR 3m18.993s 02.665s 3
5 12 Stefan Pfeifer Ferrari GER 3m20.693s 04.365s 3
6 15 mark edelmann Lotus GER 3m21.425s 05.097s 3
7 17 danilo silvani Ferrari ITA 3m22.653s 06.325s 1
8 8 Mario Wilhelm Eagle GER 3m22.989s 06.661s 3
9 7 Michael erhart. Eagle GER 3m25.142s 08.814s 2
10 13 Ico Oliveira Eagle BRA 3m28.424s 12.096s 3
11 20 Mike Ziehbauer Eagle AUT 3m33.424s 17.096s 1
12 11 Reinhard Kastenberger Lotus AUT No time No time 0
13 3 Richard Dickson Eagle GBR No time No time 0

RACE RESULTS (After 75 laps)

Pos No Driver Team Nat Laps Race Time Diff Problem
1 14 Gavin Wilson Ferrari GBR 75 251m46.735s
2 3 Richard Dickson Eagle GBR 75 251m51.713s 04.978s Unknown
3 12 Stefan Pfeifer Ferrari GER 74 251m56.316s 1 lap(s) Unknown
4 20 Mike Ziehbauer Eagle AUT 74 253m12.191s 1 lap(s) Unknown
5 17 danilo silvani Ferrari ITA 73 251m41.380s 2 lap(s)
6 7 Michael erhart. Eagle GER 46 159m05.040s 29 lap(s) Unknown
7 10 Steffen Kriesch Eagle GER 39 129m47.320s 36 lap(s) Unknown
8 15 mark edelmann Lotus GER 28 96m05.424s 47 lap(s) Unknown
9 16 Christian Kolnhofer Eagle GER 21 70m18.513s 54 lap(s)
10 13 Ico Oliveira Eagle BRA 12 43m26.540s 63 lap(s) Unknown
11 19 Reinhard Kastenberger Eagle AUT 8 26m55.783s 67 lap(s) Unknown
12 11 Reinhard Kastenberger Lotus AUT 0 DidNotStart 75 lap(s)
13 8 Mario Wilhelm Eagle GER 0 DidNotStart 75 lap(s)
14 4 EOLC3 Brabham GER 0 DidNotStart 75 lap(s) Unknown

Race results are unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)


Pos Driver Time Lap
1 Steffen Kriesch 3m16.099s 32
2 Richard Dickson 3m16.462s 38
3 Christian Kolnhofer 3m16.873s 18
4 Gavin Wilson 3m16.924s 42
5 Reinhard Kastenberger 3m18.887s 6
6 Michael erhart. 3m19.780s 30
7 Mike Ziehbauer 3m20.013s 28
8 mark edelmann 3m21.236s 15
9 Stefan Pfeifer 3m21.334s 68
10 danilo silvani 3m21.596s 21
11 Ico Oliveira 3m24.769s 10
12 Reinhard Kastenberger No time
13 EOLC3 No time
14 Mario Wilhelm No time


Driver Laps
Reinhard Kastenberger 1-6
Steffen Kriesch 7-39
Gavin Wilson 40-44
Richard Dickson 45-46
Gavin Wilson 47-75

Number of lead changes: 4
Number of leaders: 4


Driver Laps led
Gavin Wilson 34
Steffen Kriesch 33
Reinhard Kastenberger 6
Richard Dickson 2


Driver Start Finish Change
Richard Dickson 13 2 11
Mike Ziehbauer 11 4 7
Michael erhart. 9 6 3
Gavin Wilson 4 1 3
Stefan Pfeifer 5 3 2
danilo silvani 7 5 2
EOLC3 14 14 0
Ico Oliveira 10 10 0
Reinhard Kastenberger 12 12 0
mark edelmann 6 8 -2
Steffen Kriesch 3 7 -4
Mario Wilhelm 8 13 -5
Christian Kolnhofer 1 9 -8
Reinhard Kastenberger 2 11 -9


Driver Laps/Total Percent
Richard Dickson (61/75) 81.33
Mike Ziehbauer (61/74) 82.43
Gavin Wilson (57/75) 76.00
Stefan Pfeifer (55/74) 74.32
danilo silvani (45/73) 61.64
Steffen Kriesch (36/39) 92.31
Michael erhart. (27/46) 58.70
mark edelmann (25/28) 89.29
Christian Kolnhofer (7/21) 33.33
Ico Oliveira (5/12) 41.67
Reinhard Kastenberger (4/8) 50.00

(first lap excluded)

Driver Avg Deviation Std Deviation Avg Laptime Laps
Reinhard Kastenberger 1.487 2.169 3m21.211s 8
Christian Kolnhofer 1.673 2.360 3m20.060s 21
Steffen Kriesch 2.245 4.032 3m19.421s 39
Mike Ziehbauer 2.663 5.280 3m25.110s 74
Stefan Pfeifer 2.745 4.566 3m24.158s 74
mark edelmann 2.906 4.155 3m25.565s 28
Gavin Wilson 3.146 5.180 3m21.153s 75
danilo silvani 3.649 5.503 3m26.344s 73
Richard Dickson 4.459 7.064 3m21.132s 75
Michael erhart. 6.312 8.896 3m27.257s 46
Ico Oliveira 8.883 9.638 3m34.182s 12

All times are unofficial
(Replay might have been saved before end of race)

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser

29.07.2007, 01:02  
silvani danilo

Dabei seit: November 2006
Herkunft: Milano , Italia
252 Beiträge

thx stefan

a hard race

but a lot lot of fun..

thx at all drivers for the fight


29.07.2007, 01:09  
Ico Oliveira

Dabei seit: April 2006
Herkunft: Brasileiro
81 Beiträge

Congratulations to all finishers and to the British Armada.

Sorry I had to leave at the beginning. It was the perfect night for a long race, wife went out with friends and I was alone.
Then, she called me (I picked up the handy at Mulsanne, crashed short after), wasn't feeling well, I had to pick her up...

Nevermind. Mausi geht vor den GPL.


29.07.2007, 01:49  
Frank Peters

Dabei seit: Juli 2004
2006 Beiträge

Grats an alle "Ãœberlebenden" des Rennens!


29.07.2007, 11:11  
Michael Ziehbauer

Dabei seit: Dezember 2005
Herkunft: Salzburg,Austria
15 Beiträge

Gratulation ans Podium! Congratulations Danilo!

Die ersten 2 Stunden gings ja noch; aber dann wurde es hart! Die letzte Stunde fuhr ich wie in Trance.
Wollte unterwegs mehrmals das Handtuch werfen, bin aber jetzt froh es nicht getan zu haben!

Das war bis jetzt mein längstes Rennen. (4 Std 13 min)

2 Tankstopps, ca. 3 Dreher. Eher ereignislos also für ein 4 Stundenrennen.

Nächstes Mal wieder

29.07.2007, 11:33  
Radek Petera

Dabei seit: Dezember 2004
535 Beiträge

Oh sh*t, I missed it again . I came home at Saturday afternoon, but I didn't know it ..

29.07.2007, 11:44  

Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beiträge

Congratulations to you all

Finishing must give a very satisfaction feeling.
Like to be there next time

29.07.2007, 11:59  
Steffen Kriesch

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: Deutschland
261 Beiträge

Grats to the finishers. Leider hatte auch ich einen Freeze. Das einzig Positive daran war das ich keine weiteren 2 Stunden mehr fahren mußte. Aber ich war gard so schön drin; spulte meine Runden runter und dachte überalles mögliche neben bei nach.

Wenn ich zeit hab bin ich beim nächsten Ironman dabei.

29.07.2007, 18:00  
Karl-Jürgen Hilger

Dabei seit: Juli 2006
Herkunft: Hamburg
1835 Beiträge

Ihr seid die Härtesten! Grats!
Hatte leider keine Gelegenheit, Euch ein wenig im Tv zu beobachten.


29.07.2007, 20:55  

Dabei seit: Juli 2005
7 Beiträge

Shame on you guys for letting a Ferrari win

Congrats to all the finishers. As a regular doing GTP endurance races I know it's not easy driving for so long.

My race started particularly badly, punting off Christian on lap 1 at the Mulsanne hairpin - totally my fault, so much so I felt the need to apologise twice afterwards. From there onwards it went well, though not as well as I was going the first race we attempted. Just before my first fuel stop one guy crashed just before Indianapolis (Ico on the phone? ) and landed right in front of me, so I crabbed and crawled around to the pits to do the stop, I lost about 4 seconds with Christian and Richard passing me before I stopped. Bit of a stagnant period after that - Rich seemed to keep crashing after he'd pulled out a few seconds, but I couldn't do much about Christian - it was all I could do to keep pace with most Eagles.

Steffen was miles ahead at this point, but unfortunately both he and Christian disappeared, leaving Rich and myself to battle it out. The toing and froing for the lead went on until about 25 laps from the end, when Rich felt the need for a toilet break... not wanting to stop in the pits and get kicked out (as Esben did the last time we did Le Mans) he threw it into the trees along the Mulsanne, coming back to find himself 45 seconds behind me - I immediately gave him 15 seconds back by crashing a couple of times myself, but it was fine after that. Rich was catching sufficiently fast for me to keep on it, and I'm afraid to say I got rather frustrated with Danilo when I came to lap him, he wanting to stay ahead of me - the 5 seconds I lost on that lap was going to cost me the win, but with 3 to go Rich beached it at Tertre Rouge while only 1.5 seconds back, and looking like he was going to overtake me that lap.

Ridiculously tight finish, but very tense, especially with it being a mate.

Delighted with my own fastest lap, a 3:16.92, good enough for the 5th best time in the Ferrari on GPLRank. I uploaded it for others to see, so I might as well post it here if anyone wants a look: [url]http://www.thisisgav.co.uk/tmp/gw_sarthe_3-16-92_online.zip[/url]

Thanks to all who stayed around to race on Saturday. I love these 1-off GPL endurance races, so thanks to all who organised it too.

30.07.2007, 19:30  
Kelvin Mace

Dabei seit: Juli 2007
Herkunft: Bayern
825 Beiträge

Congrats Gavin,
it takes a real man to travel 1000K in Le Mans and finish in front of all those Eagles.


30.07.2007, 20:38  
silvani danilo

Dabei seit: November 2006
Herkunft: Milano , Italia
252 Beiträge

Congrats for your performance Gavin

but you have a lot of meters of straight for lap me , i've my rithm and after 4 hours of race i cant modify it . im sorry

well deserved


30.07.2007, 21:00  

Dabei seit: Juli 2005
7 Beiträge

Nah, it wasn't the bit on the straight which upset me - Rich had crashed earlier that lap, so I was just cruising around. It was about 4 laps earlier, as I had a pitstop to make, and knew Rich would only be a couple of seconds behind me.

This is the part which upset me - watch it from in my car: [url]http://www.thisisgav.co.uk/tmp/silvani.zip[/url]

Still, no harm done in the end, but it did annoy me some what at the time.

31.07.2007, 12:38  
Jens Kraft

Dabei seit: August 2006
4457 Beiträge

what a cool event.

unfortunately i had no pc where i was and so i couldnt participiate !

hey Kelvin, your screenshot is from indy 500. back then i was 10 years old.

do you still have the game ?

if you install DOS Box, yoou can play it. Dos box emulates ems and xms. and dos box can use the FFB wheels, as well emulates all sound and fgraphix cards up to 640 x 480. i used to play FLASHBACK and ANOTHER WORLD with it. the best games ever !

01.08.2007, 13:46  
Jens Kraft

Dabei seit: August 2006
4457 Beiträge

yeah Gavin, it was not too good by silvani.
maybe Danielo will tell us, what he was thinking.
Danielo ?

01.08.2007, 13:53  
Radek Petera

Dabei seit: Dezember 2004
535 Beiträge

Original von Jens Kraft
what a cool event.

unfortunately i had no pc where i was and so i couldnt participiate !

hey Kelvin, your screenshot is from indy 500. back then i was 10 years old.

do you still have the game ?

if you install DOS Box, yoou can play it. Dos box emulates ems and xms. and dos box can use the FFB wheels, as well emulates all sound and fgraphix cards up to 640 x 480. i used to play FLASHBACK and ANOTHER WORLD with it. the best games ever !

DOS Box is very good feature, but it's very slow. Good only for very old games. For example legendary F1-GP2 is incredibly slow there

12.08.2007, 11:04  
Saki Gretsistas

Dabei seit: November 2005
Herkunft: Ebenhausen, Stuttgart,
171 Beiträge


also das INDY 500 hab ich auch noch rumfliegen auf diskette.

Weiterhin noch das Indycar Racing 2 von Papyrus Racing, Leider kann ich das Teil ohne Sound net fahrn, und die graphik ist glaub ich auf 100 x 200 .

Kann mir da einer evtl helfen, das Ding richtig um laufen zu bringen?

Das selbe gilt übrigens auch für das allererste Need 4 Speed, was meineserachtens das beste war. Irgendwie bring ichs nicht zum laufen

12.08.2007, 16:14  
Kelvin Mace

Dabei seit: Juli 2007
Herkunft: Bayern
825 Beiträge

Hi Radek,

of course I still have the "Inianapolis 500" on PC as well as on my old Amiga 500. I guess it's better to write in German because your location is Ingolstadt and I'm from Bavaria, too.

Also was den 'Screenshot' angeht, den hab ich vor einiger Zeit mit meiner Digicam gemacht, als ich das Spiel zufällig ausgegraben hab und mich daran erinnerte wie das alles mit dem Simracing begann. Eigentlich hatte ich den Plan das gute alte Indy 500 mal wieder durchzuspielen (also auf dem AMIGA und natürlich alle 200 Laps) und es als Video auf dem PC zu capturen (mit Virtual Dub).
Allerdings scheiterte dieser Versuch, da die Qualität der ich glaube 256 Farben, mit dem HUFFYUV codec einfach nur grottenschlecht war und das Format nicht unbedingt 4:3 entsprach.
Das war etwa so vor 3 Jahren. Mittlerweile bin ich stolzer Besitzter einer Dreambox da könnte man mal wieder einen Versuch fahren, wenn ich das mit dem 'von Antennenkabel aufnehmen mit Satreciver' hinbekomme UND ich ungefähr drei Stunden ungestört zocken kann (habe Frau und 2 Kinder). Besteht überhaupt Interesse, wenn ich einen 3 Stundenclip von so einem Uraltspiel (aber dem Vater aller Sims) poste ???

Grüsse an alle GPL-Addicts

12.08.2007, 20:58  

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