EOLC Forum - Too early hours of races :(
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EOLC Forum » Too early hours of races :(  
Piotr Oblicki

Dabei seit: Oktober 2005
23 Beiträge
  Too early hours of races :( 

Hello all

I asked admins before start of this season about it, later I asked by email, but no response at all

In all seasons of polish GPL/Nascar leagues and GPL World Championships we were racing from about 22-23.00 CET

Most of us has families, children, and at e.g. 19.00 children are still screaming, wives are still making supper, walking around the house and it's very hard to race comportable Additionally, later we start, better online connection we have and less warps.

Would it be possible to start racing later? 20,21,22? Or all the rest prefer such early hour for racing?

17.02.2006, 10:24  
Carsten Theile

Dabei seit: Februar 2006
Herkunft: Dresden
3884 Beiträge

In Summer, the races usually start at 20.00. I don't think I would mind starting a bit later, but it would be good if the races are finished around 22.00 or 22.30. Anything else would be too late for me.
So I’d say we could start the shorter races later than the full GPs. (If people think a change is necessary at all)

Another thing is that people have neighbours which might want to sleep from time to time .

Can’t say anything about the online connection being better later in the night . Somehow I always thought the Net wasn’t used that much between 9.00 and 15.00. But as already said, I don’t really know.

Well, I don't know how soon it would be possible to change the starting times. During this season? Next season? When this discussion has ended?


17.02.2006, 12:03  
Valtteri Sivonen

Dabei seit: November 2005
16 Beiträge

For me (living in Finland [+1 CET] with wife and a kid) current time is perfect and one of the main reasons besides wonderfuly organized competition i participate here at EOLC.

So i aint keen on change in start time and i must say that these subjects are something that organizers shouldn't change during seasons IMHO.

17.02.2006, 12:09  
Petr Hlavac

Dabei seit: Oktober 2004
Herkunft: Brno (Brünn), Czech Republic
566 Beiträge

From my point of view, start at 20:00 is the best possible choice. In CZOG (Czech GPL league) we start at 22:00 and that's really very late. I'm always a bit tired. The race usually finishes nearly at midnight, I really don't find it very good. I wake up early next morning, it also bothers my brother, 'cause he can't fall asleep. The next thing is, that I like chatting after the race, I usually write my race report, too. That's impossible in CZOG, because everyone goes to bed immediately. So IMO start at 20:00 is very good. I'm "fresh", after the race we can discuss it with freinds, write our reports. The only thing I would change is starting at 20:00 during the whole year.


17.02.2006, 12:51  

Dabei seit: November 2003
Herkunft: Tuttlingen / Darmstadt
949 Beiträge

In summer the races start at 20.00, GPs always start at 19.00 because they last very long.

17.02.2006, 16:06  
Radek Petera

Dabei seit: Dezember 2004
535 Beiträge

For me is 20:00 ideal time too. As Petr said, we start at 22 in czech league, and it is very very late. Race ends about midnight and I can't fall asleep because of adrenalin in my blood. Next day I must wake up at 6:00 and I'm very tired at work.

19.02.2006, 14:55  

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