Hi Hans,
to be honest I've been thinking about switching to another team for at least two months. As you probably know, I've already done it in the Czech GPL league. And I must say, that it wasn't a bad decission. Now, while driving Cooper I enjoy racing even more. Though I have very little chance to win the races (oh my God, I still can't forget that race in Monaco, I could do it!!! ), I have fun racing (and beating ) faster cars. However, there is one important fact in CZOG , which makes racing with a slow car "possible" - banning of Shift-R. The more I race in CZOG and GPLRacer, the more I beleive, that it's the best way how to make the races extremnly exciting. Yes, there are favourites, but you never know, if they can finish the race However, this is another topic. Back to switching to another team in EOLC. I'm not the fastest, by far. As many aliens joined EOLC recently, I'll be probably racing at the back of grid A. Don't like this image... I did some races in the Grid B last year. And I must admit, that it was a wonderful racing, drivers were closer to each other, it was just fantastic. Well, I can't say, that Grid A is bad. I love battling with (for example) Peter Stadtmüller, Chris Kolnhofer and some others. But it semms, that Grid B offers more chances to have some great duels. This leads me to changing a car, at least for the Challenge (I'd probably stay with Lotus for all the Cups). Which one? I'll never drive BRM and Honda, I just don't like them. Cooper handles very well, but is very slow. As I said, it's possible in CZOG, where no Shift-R is allowed, but not in EOLC, I really don't wanna be Grid C driver. Switching to Eagle makes no sence, so there are only two cars available then. Brabham and Ferrari. Brabbi is nice, good power, good handling, but I miss kind of special feeling while driving it. So there is only one alternative for me - Ferrari. Even if I've never been a Ferrari fan, I feel "something special". The sound, the wonderful red colour, the spirit of this legendary team... So maybe you'll see me in The Red Goddes soon