Autor |
Olaf Lehmann
Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Lichtenstein
2167 Beiträge |
2. half of the season / summer specials | |
Hello all,
die meisten werden im Landmark Double Dash gelesen haben, dass wir - wegen der geringen Teilnehmerzahlen und leichter finanzieller Probleme - am Ãœberlegen waren, ob wir die Saison zu Ende fahren.
Es ist jetzt beschlossene Sache, dass es weitergeht. Mit Eurer Hilfe und der Hilfe eines besonders spendenfreudigen Admins können die Kosten auf jeden Fall gedeckt werden.
(Danke David und Jens für die Überlegungen. Falls sich die Teilnehmerzahlen steigern sollten, wäre das eine Option fürs nächste Jahr).
Summer specials:
Dieser Thread wäre gut geeignet Vorschläge für die beiden Sommerspecials zu machen.
Ich würde für den 19.7. ein 2-Stunden-Rennen mit pitstop4 vorschlagen. Wenn wir rechtzeitig eine Strecke fänden, könnte Claudio nochmal die Geli Leute picksen deswegen.
Beim 2. Special (16.8.) bin ich leider verhindert (mein Neffe heiratet). David, kannst Du an diesem Tag den Server betreuen?
In english:
I think most people read in Landmark Double Dash thread that we wasen't sure if we start the second half of the season, in fact of the less numbers of participants and financiell problems.
Now we made a decision: The season goes on. With your donations and the donations of a very donation friendly admin the rest of the season is save (thanks David and Jens for your ideas, eventually for next year in case the number of participants will be stable or higher than now).
Summer specials:
This thread is a good place to make suggestions for the summer specials.
I make do the first one: On 19.07. I favourite a two hours race with pitstop4. Maybe Claudio can remember the geli people that that's a very good opportunity to test a tire wear race.
By the way: On 16.08. my nephew married. So I can't start the server. David: Can you do it?
Best Regards Olaf
01.06.2014, 11:15 |
Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beiträge |
2 hours race needs a simple track ...................I think Targa
I like the pitstop idee
Track..... Tripoli?
Dont care what track, I am there !
01.06.2014, 19:52 |
David Breedveld
Dabei seit: Januar 2010
Herkunft: Holland
325 Beiträge |
01.06.2014, 21:48 |
Claudio Callipo
Dabei seit: Oktober 2006
Herkunft: Germany/Saarbrücken
658 Beiträge |
Danke Olaf für die guten Neuigkeiten!!!
Das mit der Geli werd ich machen!
Ich erinnere mich sehr gut an die 1000 km Rennen. Das war der Wahnsinn. Fast 4 Std Renndauer. Spass pur!
Wie wäre es mit einem 500 km Rennen?
Da kommen wir, je nach Strecken Layout an die 2 Std. dran.
Obwohl ich liebend gerne die Targa (die fahr ich nächste Woche in Real mal ab!!!) , Isle of man oder Dundrod hätte, denk ich das wäre für so ne lange Distanz zu heavy.
02.06.2014, 19:40 |
Michi Kovacs
Dabei seit: März 2010
24 Beiträge |
Zitat: Original von Pedro_Berg.vd
2 hours race needs a simple track ...................I think Targa
I like the pitstop idee
Track..... Tripoli?
Dont care what track, I am there !
2hour race with tyre wear sounds fun. How many stops are we looking at with v4?
I also like the idea of Tripoli, desert track fits right in with the heat. Also it's not too difficult. If not Tripoli, one of the Carthages prefarably without chicances.
09.06.2014, 12:49 |
Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beiträge |
Zitat: Original von Claudio Callipo
.... die Targa (die fahr ich nächste Woche in Real mal ab!!!)
Claudio, you lucky one, How was that
Hope (know) you had fun
10.06.2014, 14:40 |
Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beiträge |
10.06.2014, 15:08 |
Olaf Lehmann
Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Lichtenstein
2167 Beiträge |
Zitat: 2hour race with tyre wear sounds fun. How many stops are we looking at with v4?
The tires in pitstop4 are a little bit stabler than in pitstop3. I think 1...3 stops in a two hour race are normal.
By the way...In the next days there will be a newer and better (pitstop5)version with the same tire code than pitstop4, but with selfmade repairing at the pit. If you have a normal damage in pitstop3 you must stop before the pits and do a ShiftR. This is in same cases (if you touch a Leitplanke or so) irritating.
I think we should use pitstop5 for the summer race.
Think about it: 500 km races don't work with pitstop because in that patch refueling isn't possible.
Best Regards Olaf
10.06.2014, 18:24 |
Michi Kovacs
Dabei seit: März 2010
24 Beiträge |
Tandil sounds great, how could I forget about it. Thanks Pedro.
Is it possible to run Lee's pitstop patch at the same time as dirtgear? If so we could refuel as well.
15.06.2014, 01:08 |
Olaf Lehmann
Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Lichtenstein
2167 Beiträge |
My idea after reading all suggestions was:
First Special (19/07): Tripolis, pitstop5(dg)_Patch. Race lenght: A distance that works without refueling in the much fuel needed cars. Because Tripoli is a very, very fast track the race time will be smaler than 2 hours (David I hope that would be OK for you?).
Second Special (16/08).A very long race like 500km. Me and David are not fans of such long races, but it seems it must be...
For this event I thought Tandil could it be. I think it will be better unpatched because I have seen the pits are at the grass, So you would have zero grip at the pits.
Another point is: It's not sure if Lees Patch works for all. In my case it seems to work, but eventually it could be the same like my patch and 60fps patch - it can work, but it must not work. I'm not sure.
By the way: Generally (for normal race distances) I'm not really happy about Lees Patch.
In the last year I thought a long time about it: Should the drivers get the possibility to refuel or not?
I had found many reasons to rejected it:
Long races have more variety because the cars are different - especially in the first and last stint. The tire wear at the front is with less fuel higher than more fuel. So the ballance af the last stint is other than in the first stint.
If you can refuel the tactical possibilities are smaler. The drivers must made the pitstop at fixed numbers of laps. The pits are very narrow beneath. If all drivers must stop at the same time it could be chaotic. And: Some drivers start without any or with not much practice. For these drivers no refueling is better.
There are a lot of reasons against refueling...I'm not happy about Lees Patch.
So for the first race I would ban Lees Patch.
Edit: I would install Tandil at EOLC4 but there is a problem. At our server is Version installiert. Tandil is too long. It would need a lot of time to install version 1.3 at the server.
Best Regards
15.06.2014, 15:13 |
Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beiträge |
Thanks Olaf for your detailed explanation
And also thanks for trying out my sugestion
Like I said before, what ever the outcome, I will be there
Cu soon, greetings Pedro.
15.06.2014, 18:27 |
Carsten Theile
Dabei seit: Februar 2006
Herkunft: Dresden
3884 Beiträge |
I don't think the server would handle Tandil as it is. 150MB is a lot of data. I guess it'd be required to slim it down. Yep, guess.
Zitat: Original von Olaf Lehmann
I would install Tandil at EOLC4 but there is a problem. At our server is Version installiert. Tandil is too long. It would need a lot of time to install version 1.3 at the server.
Unless we took EOLC5.F2, which has v1.3 @ 60FPSv2. Some people installed it in your absence in 2012. You could make EOLC5 look like EOLC4 if you renamed the driver, if you want to. Or perhaps I'm missing the point, heh.
However, as I said, I don't think Tandil will run as-is. (Targa should, though.)
Kind regards,
15.06.2014, 21:45 |
Olaf Lehmann
Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Lichtenstein
2167 Beiträge |
Danke Carsten for the info!
I tried to start Tandil on the EOLC5.F1 (Version 1.3 server). It doesn't work.
The other installed tracks works perfect.
I have no idea.
16.06.2014, 14:58 |
Carsten Theile
Dabei seit: Februar 2006
Herkunft: Dresden
3884 Beiträge |
Zitat: Original von Carsten Theile
I don't think the server would handle Tandil as it is. 150MB is a lot of data. I guess it'd be required to slim it down. Yep, guess.
OK, that isn't it. The server is capable of even running the standard Targa version.
I have no idea either.
17.06.2014, 19:50 |
Bastian Grupp
Dabei seit: November 2010
450 Beiträge |
I will miss the summer specials for holiday but i will be back for the scond half of the regular season. A little donation is on its way, thanks for continuing.
27.06.2014, 09:56 |
Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beiträge |
Zitat: Original von Olaf Lehmann
My idea after reading all suggestions was:
First Special (19/07): Tripolis, pitstop5(dg)_Patch.
Hi Olaf,
Sorry to say but .......... I dont like the idea
I have tried the pitstop-patch and for me it's not ok for such long distance racing.
A mistake is easy made in Tripoli.
It's to bloody frustrating too drive missing 1,2 or 3 gears for maybe 2.hours.
You dont have a change to recover that loss, and easily lose interest in the race.
Because the interest to race are maybe low, I think it's better to drive a normal international race.
Again sorry, but it's for my opinion.
Greetings Pedro.
28.06.2014, 23:00 |
Olaf Lehmann
Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Lichtenstein
2167 Beiträge |
Hi Pedro,
I remember in the last year we do the tire wear race without gearfailure. I said it's too hard for a fun race. In the older version of pitstop_Patch it was possible in mode INT SHORT, but it's not possible in the new version.
My proposal: I add the "INT SHORT no gear failure" Option to the new Version ()it's easy to do).
We drive on 19/07 with the new Version, but without gear failure, except there will be more applications than 15 (it's improbable, but I don't the effect of EOLC NEWSMail). Should be more than15 Drivers I think it could be interesting with gear failure.
What you say, Pedro?
Best Regards
By the way: In the most cases it's possible to bring back the car to the pits. Then you get no gear failure. That's the reason I think in pitstop5(dg) there will be NOT more gear failures than in pitstop3.
But I know in a Long race it's more likely.
29.06.2014, 13:06 |
Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beiträge |
Thanks Olaf for reconsider!
I like your proposal for no gear failure when there are less then 15 drivers.
Its because I get stuck in the hay bales I have to s/r
Greetings Pedro
29.06.2014, 14:49 |
Kelvin Mace
Dabei seit: Juli 2007
Herkunft: Bayern
825 Beiträge |
Well, I just recognized the race @ Tripolis is on SATURDAY (19th July) not Sunday , isn’t it?
Take care, Kelvin
17.07.2014, 23:50 |
Claudio Callipo
Dabei seit: Oktober 2006
Herkunft: Germany/Saarbrücken
658 Beiträge |
Schade das Tandil nicht funktioniert.
Wäre im Grunde ja wie ne große Version von Reims.
Wie kommt man eigentlich auf die Samstag Termine? Mir ist es wurscht, aber vielleicht kommt der eine oder andere mehr, wenn es der bekannte Sonntags Termin wäre?
Wie wäre es als Herausforderung WatGlen48 zu nehmen?
20.07.2014, 10:23 |