EOLC Forum - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA saying Hello
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Al Rosemeyer

Dabei seit: September 2006
2 Beiträge
  Indianapolis, Indiana, USA saying Hello 

Hi all,

Being American and not educated in the German language I'm not able to understand most of what I try to read here. I'm sorry for the English post but it is all I know. I feel a bit like an outsider here but I would like to race with EOLC and I know we all speak the same language on the track. (although some seem to be able to "speak" much faster than me. )

I have been sim racing some 8 years, began with NASCAR sims then about 5 years ago I found GPL. Soon after I gave up stock car sims and GPL became the only racing sim I cared for. I have been "on and off" in GPL over the years and now I find myself back again and looking for some league type racing. I've seen many of you EOLC members on your servers and others on VROC, I think a few here have raced around me for a while now, hopefully you've found me to be a considerate racer.

I look forward to entering the EOLC races as often as possible. Almost all of my GPL racing has been in the Eagle although I have wheeled the others enough to establish a Monster rank, albiet something like +85 compared to the -15 in the Eagle.

A word about my racing, I understand "to finish first, first you must finish" and also do my best to make sure my problems don't become another racers problems. I am aware of the limitations of online racing and always try to race with that in mind.

So, Hello EOLC!

Al Rosemeyer
(yes, that's my real name, not like I had any control of that, it just is. )

30.09.2006, 18:51  
Jens-Rainer Gudat

Dabei seit: November 2004
1216 Beiträge

Hello Al, welcome and have fun at the races.
Gruß J-R
(from Lingen the Hometown from Bernd Rosemeyer)

30.09.2006, 19:16  

Dabei seit: Mai 2004
Herkunft: Großenkneten, zwischen Oldenburg und Bremen
1119 Beiträge

A warm welcome to you, Al.


30.09.2006, 19:20  
Benjamin Ebers

Dabei seit: Juni 2004
Herkunft: Overath/NRW in der Nähe von Köln
1025 Beiträge

Welcome Al,

I wish you much fun and success here in this league.

Best regards,

30.09.2006, 19:53  
Karl-Jürgen Hilger

Dabei seit: Juli 2006
Herkunft: Hamburg
1835 Beiträge

Hi Al!

Great you finally found your way to meet us here!

Really no need to feel like an outsider - you're an insider right now!

Have a good time here, Al !!


30.09.2006, 20:16  
Frank Peters

Dabei seit: Juli 2004
2006 Beiträge

Welcome Al!

Enjoy the races!


30.09.2006, 22:57  
Patrick Kessler

Dabei seit: Oktober 2005
Herkunft: Bonn
2068 Beiträge



We had a discussion about the saying "To finish first, you have to finish first" or ist it like you told us: "to finish first, first you must finish" ?

I used it in the german news and I would like to quote it the right way.


Edit: Some say it is from Ron Dennis (the one from the EOLC news)

30.09.2006, 23:09  
Thomas Becker

Dabei seit: Oktober 2004
Herkunft: Schwalmtal/Hessen
335 Beiträge

Hi Al

Welcome here and all Time good Luck at the Races.

edit: just one question, are the Colts THIS Year ready for SB ?

Best regards

01.10.2006, 12:59  
Walter Zweiffel

Dabei seit: Februar 2005
Herkunft: Euskirchen
955 Beiträge

Welcome Al,

we havn´t outsiders but of course we understand when we must missed you on our next EOLC meeting 2007 at the Nürburgring.

regards Walter

01.10.2006, 14:11  

Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beiträge

Hello from me to Al!

I know you have find the right place to be now.
Good luck, have fun and cu on track

01.10.2006, 14:19  
Patrick Talu

Dabei seit: April 2005
Herkunft: Raum Karlsruhe Stuttgart
666 Beiträge

Hi Al and welcome to the EOLC.
Looking forward to meet you on track.

Your lastname Rosemeyer is still better than Coholic ...

Greets Patrick

01.10.2006, 18:36  
Stephan Roesgen

Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Pulheim
454 Beiträge

Welcome, Al.
You are joining from the US ?
Do you get reasonable ping's ?

01.10.2006, 21:54  
Al Rosemeyer

Dabei seit: September 2006
2 Beiträge

Thank you all for your welcome!

Now, to the questions.

1. "To finish first......" I do not know who started this, the way I have heard it is the way I said it. I can not verify which is correct or who said it first.

2. Colts in the Superbowl? I don't think so, not just yet. Playoff's most likely but only Superbowl with a lot of luck. IMHO.

3. Yes, I am joining from the US with pings in the 220 to 240 range. In the past I have heard that less than 300 is OK if it is stable. Connection seems good but if you see me warping please tell me so I can clear the track before causing trouble.

Again, thanks for the warm welcome!

Al Rosemeyer

02.10.2006, 19:05  
Ronald van Huystee

Dabei seit: Januar 2005
Herkunft: Zwolle, the Netherlands
372 Beiträge

Hi Al,

It's good to see you here. We have had already some good races on the EOLC-server, and we will have some more.........


02.10.2006, 20:55  
Jens Kraft

Dabei seit: August 2006
4457 Beiträge

Welcome Al !

U been to the Indy500 somewhen ?
We cant hold step with the size of our race-events, but surely we have a lot of F1 fans in germany. I still wonder why F1 is so tiny in US.

IMHO ( In my horrible opinion LMFAO ) it is to finish first, you have to finsih first.

same words, 2 meanings.

06.10.2006, 23:28  

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