Autor |
David Breedveld
Dabei seit: Januar 2010
Herkunft: Holland
325 Beitrge |
Thanks Olaf
I can see the admin forums. It works fine. When I don't know a German word, I can look it up in an online dictionary. It's no problem when your email is not in English
04.01.2014, 16:38 |
Kelvin Mace
Dabei seit: Juli 2007
Herkunft: Bayern
825 Beitrge |
Zitat: Original von David Breedveld
If we run both the Challenge Cup and the Tyre Wear Cup, I think we have something interesting for most of us. (GELI has the oval cup and PRO racing.
Right on cue, thanks David.
As the cup's admin I think outsourcing is the only chance to save the Oval-Cup!!
Well, back in 2007 when I decided to join the pleasure of online racing I joined EOLC instead of the bigger VR-league because EOLC offered some very interesting styles of GPL racing , yeah I’m talking ‘bout the Oval-Cup. Unfortunately over the years the cup’s grid got smaller and smaller . As I took over Oval-Cup admin duties from Hatzi in the beginning of 2011 we only had a 10 car grid (fall 2010). My biggest intension was to raise this Cup and in the first couple of years it looked really promising.
But what will happen, will happen; in 2013 our oval-grid shrunk again and it looked like there is nothing left to do to stop this trend . Don’t get me wrong, I bet we have the most competitive field in GPL-Oval history , but we need and deserve a bigger grid to keep this cup alive.
Only a few GPL leagues are racing on ovals and if you put 'the 60fps' and 'the time zone' into consideration, there is only one GPL league left that is familiar with ovals (the G-league which we ran together at Monza in 2013). I still cannot understand why the oval racers over there never (or barely) joined our races .
So here’s the deal for 2014: When the racers are not coming to the cup, let’s bring the cup to the racers . After I made some calls I found a new home for the Oval-Cup the Gentlemen’s league (or GELI). When our little GPL-oval community decides to join the Oval-Cup @ GELI we will have a 10 to 15 car grid again .
There will be a 7 race schedule in 2014 and although there will be some minor changes to our well-tried EOLC Oval rules this new format will still be very exciting.
Here are the main differences:
1. Qualification: There will be no more single lap qualifying. You can turn as many laps in practice as you want to. The restriction is, if you wreck the car so that you are unable to make it back into the pits under your own power, our practice session (Qualy) is done.
2. Race mode is Pro! This means that Shift/R is no longer possible, so it is impossible to do (strategic) pit stops, ..but there is still lot’s of race strategy left throughout the season, because
3. The 2014 schedule includes seven races and there will be no bonus points for weaker chassis. 7 races with 7 chassis! You are only allowed to race each chassis once. Of course you are free to choose which car on which oval. I’m really looking forward to this, I assume this will produce lot’s of different winners, too.
4. Due to the GELI-rules, there will be no ReKo (…in 2013 all the ReKo-work demoralized me some how so I’m really happy to get rid of this )
5. At the end of the season the top 3 championship points leaders will win a cup
So don’t miss the show, here is the Oval-Cup schedule for 2014.
[URL=http://www.eolc.de/upload_area/717/Oval-Cup2014%20schedule.pdf]SCHEDULE [/URL]
and the complete trackbundle
[URL=http://www.eolc.de/Kelvin/Oval-Tracks2014.zip]OVALTRACKS_2014 [/URL]
This is no headhunting I only want to keep this cup alive, trust me! You still can drive the EOLC DoubleDash or Challenge races! The Oval needs you guys . Racing the Oval-Cup without you (Harry, David, Colin, Fabian, Rainer & Carsten) wouldn’t be the same.
C U on track, Kelvin
PS: Sorry Harry, dass die Rennen auf Freitag fallen . Ich hätte dies gerne anders gelöst, aber das ging leider nicht. Immerhin sind die Rennlängen alle mit etwa 60 Minuten verhältnismäßig kurz, sodass alle Events noch vor 22.00 Uhr beendet sein werden. Das is doch auch für einen Sa.-Frühaufsteher wie dich hoffentlich noch akzeptabel .
04.01.2014, 22:24 |
Fabian Casula
Dabei seit: Oktober 2008
Herkunft: Switzerland
808 Beitrge |
05.01.2014, 14:53 |
Olaf Lehmann
Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Lichtenstein
2167 Beitrge |
Hi Adnan,
great to see you restarting in EOLC!
Because I haven't much time only two things to your six points.
I think it's dangerous to put all in one Cup. Some people say I drive no AddOn tracks, some people say I drive no standard tracks, some people say I drive no pro races...and so on.
If we put all in one Cup it could be that someone don't drive anymore.
There are two reasons for 30min practice. Some participants don't try to join to the server before the race. Then an admin have to do to help these people...but the admin must get a chance for the front row...
And second reason: There is another league that uses the same server than EOLC. It's not good to start the server when the other league is in the race. So the race (not practice, the race) can't be start before 20:45. So shorter practice don't help to start the race(s) earlear.
So there will be Challenge and Double Dash; plus Oval Cup @ GeLi, is that correct?
Yes, it is.
05.01.2014, 15:24 |
Dabei seit: Januar 2006
Herkunft: Essen/NRW
1400 Beitrge |
05.01.2014, 17:00 |
David Breedveld
Dabei seit: Januar 2010
Herkunft: Holland
325 Beitrge |
Zitat: Original von Fabian Casula
I offer to continue with race analysis (if you want to: for which cup or cups?)
Thank you, Fabian. Please continue the analyses in 2014 for the Challenge Cup. This will add to the fun in many ways
Olaf will answer you for the DD Cup
06.01.2014, 18:06 |
Bastian Grupp
Dabei seit: November 2010
450 Beitrge |
ich denke die Idee den Oval mit Geli zusammenzulegen ist die beste Idee. Vorallem weil es immer Conflict mit Gplracer gab. Freitag wird für mich auch schwer. Wenn ich daheim bin, fahre ich aber mit.
06.01.2014, 19:33 |
Olaf Lehmann
Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Lichtenstein
2167 Beitrge |
@Fabian: Ich hab nichts gegen ReKo (will bloß selber keine machen). Falls Du Dich mit den Challengerennen unausgelastet fühlen solltest, kannst Du gerne auch den DD machen.
06.01.2014, 19:46 |
Adnan Dizdarevic
Dabei seit: März 2007
Herkunft: Michigan
258 Beitrge |
Hi Olaf,
thank you for the feedback. Was only thinking out loud. I do plan to start on as many Sunday races as I can.
Great to see that EOLC moves on.
Would never be possible without dedication of admins. Therefore big thank you!
06.01.2014, 22:35 |
Fabian Casula
Dabei seit: Oktober 2008
Herkunft: Switzerland
808 Beitrge |
Zitat: Original von Olaf Lehmann
Falls Du Dich mit den Challengerennen unausgelastet fühlen solltest
eher bereits überlastet.
gestört hat's bisher anscheinend niemanden, dass es keine ReKo gegeben hat.
wollt "ihr" es so belassen?
also mir wär's auch recht...
Kelvin, ich nehme an, du bist Oval-versessen genug, dass du die Ovale selber reköleln willst. stimmt's oder hab ich recht?
(oder macht das jetzt jemand von der GeLi?)
07.01.2014, 19:20 |
Kelvin Mace
Dabei seit: Juli 2007
Herkunft: Bayern
825 Beitrge |
07.01.2014, 20:39 |
Olaf Lehmann
Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Lichtenstein
2167 Beitrge |
Zitat: gestört hat's bisher anscheinend niemanden, dass es keine ReKo gegeben hat.
wollt "ihr" es so belassen?
also mir wär's auch recht...
So sei es. "Wir" behalten uns nur bei grob unsportlichem Verhalten ein Eingreifen vor.
Yes, next Sunday starts the Challenge and one Sunday later Double Dash.
The rest of the calender will be clear tomorrow I think.
07.01.2014, 21:14 |
Bastian Grupp
Dabei seit: November 2010
450 Beitrge |
08.01.2014, 09:57 |
Olaf Lehmann
Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Lichtenstein
2167 Beitrge |
Calender is in the data base (see Calender EOLC or Standings). You find nine Challenge races and nine Double Dash races.
I choice the DD tracks which was driven without technical problems in another league...and two tracks that we driven in EOLC without problems...like I remember.
The dates of the special event can be displaced inside of the summer break without problems. For this special events we need your ideas and engagement, but no panic. There is a lot of time until the summer break...
08.01.2014, 17:22 |
David Breedveld
Dabei seit: Januar 2010
Herkunft: Holland
325 Beitrge |
Thanks for compiling the calender for us, Olaf
Kelvin, are drivers who are new to GELI allowed to join the oval cup without training at GELI at least once? What is the rule this year?
08.01.2014, 17:53 |
Kelvin Mace
Dabei seit: Juli 2007
Herkunft: Bayern
825 Beitrge |
Zitat: Original von David Breedveld
are drivers who are new to GELI allowed to join the oval cup without training at GELI ?
Good point David
indeed, that was the only hurdle to clear in 2013. So all our Monza Supersonics from 2013 are absolutely approved to race in 2014.
For all the other oval fellows who missed last year’s Monza event, I will clarify with the leages CEO if this (newbie)rule still stands in 2014.
Stay tuned
08.01.2014, 20:49 |
Dabei seit: Juni 2005
Herkunft: Holland
1310 Beitrge |
Zitat: Original von Olaf Lehmann
You find nine Double Dash races.
I find it a beautiful choise of tracks Olaf
Specialevent ...........MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMACHWERK at night
08.01.2014, 20:56 |
Radek Petera
Dabei seit: Dezember 2004
535 Beitrge |
Dear colleagues,
I owe you still few words.
Yes, mu future is now very uncertain. If everything goes well, then I will leave in few weeks to the UK, leaving my hard-used steering wheel here. I will work for a racing team, thus I will be very busy. I don't know now, what will happen, but hopefully I will buy a steering wheel one day again and if there is enough drivers in GPL, I could rejoin it again. But I won't race with patches, that's why I left double-dash in the middle of the season, although I like the two-short-race format.
Surprisingly the next race is already this weekend and I'd like to take the wheel from the box and to drive one more race
08.01.2014, 21:15 |
Olaf Lehmann
Dabei seit: September 2006
Herkunft: Lichtenstein
2167 Beitrge |
Zitat: But I won't race with patches, that's why I left double-dash in the middle of the season
It’s a great pity!
Maybe you (and any others)have quit a little bit to early? Because pitstop3 isn’t the same like dirtgear21.
If I have a look back to dirtgear from today I find it funny, but much too funny and not enough serious: That the half of the participants have a gear problem in some races and after a visit in the dirt the car needs some laps to handle normal again is fortunately history since pitstop2.
Unfortunately such a project isn’t perfect at once. 15 years after the release of GPL it’s not possible to find people for testing in the background, because the enthusiasm isn’t the same like in the good old GPL times.
I think pitstop3 is an earnest enlargement of GPL. The “effects” are comprehensible.
I think the frustration of same people after the summer break have much to do with the fact, that some drivers have problems to adapt to the patch. No one would do a full braking if he had a flat tire with a real (racing) car. But I saw it in the replays in the pits (with foreseeable consequences). I think it’s the same like cold tire temps in normal GPL. Everyone must make painful experiences with that fact.
The decreased grip oft the tires needs a bit more time I think. But just this feature improve GPL to a new era.
I hope some people who have tried dirtgear and said it’s too bad, give pitstop3 a chance. The difference is great.
Das ist sehr schade.
Vielleicht hast Du das Handtuch zu früh geworfen. Pitstop3 ist nicht das gleiche wie dirtgear21.
Aus heutiger Sicht finde ich dirtgear zwar irgendwie spaßig, aber schon deutlich zu funig: Dass in einem Rennen mehr als die Hälfte mit einem fehlenden Gang zu kämpfen hat und man nach Ausflügen in den Dreck u.U. rundenlang brauchte bis das Auto wieder fahrbar war, ist zum Glück seit pitstop2 Geschichte.
Leider wird so ein Projekt nicht gleich im Idealzustand geboren. Und heutzutage kann man sowas nicht mehr im stillen Kämmerlein ausprobieren, dazu ist der Enthusiasmus und die Anzahl der GPL Freunde überhaupt zu gering geworden.
Pitstop3 halte ich für eine erstzunehmende MODernisierung von GPL. Die „Effekte“ sind meines Erachtens nachvollziehbar und eine Bereicherung für GPL.
Die geäußerte Frustration mancher Fahrer nach der Sommerpause scheint mir weniger am Patch, sondern mehr daran zu liegen, dass es manchem noch nicht gelingt, sich auf den Patch einzustellen.
Z.B. sollte man mit einem Reifenplatten nicht voll auf die Bremse gehen. Kein Mensch würde das in einem normalen Rennauto sitzend machen. Das hab ich jedoch bei mehreren Fahrern im Replay gesehen (mit den zu erwarteten Folgen). Ich sehe das so wie im normalen GPL die kalten Reifen. Wohl jeder musste erstmal seine bösen Erfahrungen damit machen, als er GPL Frischling war.
Sich auf die nachlassenden Reifen einzustellen ist sicher nochmal ein anderes Thema, es braucht schon etwas mehr Zeit. Aber gerade der Reifenverschleiß hebt meines Erachtens GPL wirklich auf eine neue Stufe.
Ich hoffe einige denen dirtgear nicht zugesagt hat,geben pitstop3 eine Chance. Der Unterschied ist groß…
Best Regards
09.01.2014, 16:41 |
Chris Gietzelt
Dabei seit: Dezember 2006
266 Beitrge |
ich merke mir:
27. Dezember 2014 Lange Ringnacht 560 19:00
ich merke mir:
27. Dezember 2014 Lange Ringnacht 560 19:00
ich merke mir:
27. Dezember 2014 Lange Ringnacht 560 19:00
09.01.2014, 17:37 |
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